2012 Crooms AoIT Alumni Association Community Scholarship

Dear Crooms Class of 2012,
It is with pleasure that the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association, Inc. invites you to apply for the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association Community Scholarship. As a way of congratulating you on making it this far in your educational career, we will be offering one (1) $600 scholarship to a graduating senior. Our group of contributors would like to recognize those who have continually performed well academically while still carrying a passion for giving back to their community and school. In an effort to encourage involvement and contribution in the community, we proudly present the requirements and application for the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association Community Scholarship.
The deadline for application is Friday, March 30th, 2012 by the end of the school day. Take note, this is the first Friday after Spring Break. The scholarship recipient will be notified before graduation. The Scholarship application is attached and includes instructions on how to submit the scholarship. We look forward to answering any questions you might have and carefully reviewing all applications received. Remember, this application is only open to graduating Crooms AoIT Seniors, so your chances of receiving the scholarship are quite high - that means you need to apply :-).
Congratulations again on making this far and good luck in your future endeavors!
-The Crooms AoIT Alumni Association, Inc. Board of Directors

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The Founders Society Spotlight: Justin Bagley, 2005

ID Number: 
Justin Bagley
Last Name: 
Founders Class: 
Class 1 - FY2011-2012
Class 2 - FY2014-2015
Crooms Affiliation: 
Crooms Graduating Year: 
Photo of Justin Bagley

Justin Bagley has become the first Crooms Academy of Information Technology Class of 2005 graduate to join The Founders Society. As a resident of New Jersey working for Johnson & Johnson's pharmaceutical sector, he also represents – geographically – the furthest-flung Founder as of yet. Justin states he joined The Founders Society because, "the investment gives me the opportunity to help someone else reach their dreams, just as I have."


Regardless of whether you are involved or not in extracurricular activities, take advantage of your times at Crooms. You have a responsibility and obligation to uphold the legacy of Crooms Academy. Ultimately, the point of life is to leave a legacy behind. Make sure you are doing your part to uphold that legacy and allow others to say they are proud of Crooms Academy.

Front Page Preview Text: 

Justin Bagley has become the first Crooms Academy of Information Technology Class of 2005 graduate to join The Founders Society. As a resident of New Jersey working for Johnson & Johnson's pharmaceutical sector, he also represents – geographically – the furthest-flung Founder as of yet. Justin states he joined The Founders Society because, "the investment gives me the opportunity to help someone else reach their dreams, just as I have."

As part of the first class of Crooms Academy of Information Technology, Justin and his family took a risk in attending Crooms AoIT. Yet, as Justin explains, the choice was pretty easy, "Crooms was the only school seriously offering IT classes. The technology bubble highlighted the possibilities within IT. I thought preparing for this field would be a good opportunity." This focus on information technology from an early age is paying dividends now. Given the opportunity to study IT over the course of the last decade, Justin has received jump on the competition. The small class sizes at Crooms provided hands-on attention from teachers and allowed a special bond to form with the faculty.

Continue reading the full interview with Justin Bagley
Check out the Q&A with Justin
See other members of The Founders Society
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Alumni Association to Offer Annual Grant for Crooms AoIT Athletics, Create Grant Committee to Oversee Process

This past Wednesday, the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association's Board of Directors unanimously approved a measure to offer an annual grant to a Crooms AoIT sports team. The grant comes after Crooms AoIT Class of 2006 graduate Frank C. Bracco signed a four-year gift agreement with the Alumni Association. As part of the agreement, the Alumni Association will offer a grant of at least $250 to Crooms' athletic teams for at least the next four years.

Crooms AoIT Receives 'A' Grade

The 2011 high school grades are finally out, and it's great news for Crooms Academy of Information Technology. Students at Crooms AoIT rose to the occasion and earned the school an 'A' grade for 2011. School grades are based on student performance and learning gains on the FCAT standardized test. Crooms AoIT is one of two high schools in Seminole County to have received an 'A' grade for four out of the past five years.


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