Donate to the Crooms AOIT Alumni Association
By donating, you are pledging to support Crooms AoIT Alumni Association Scholarship Programs AND joining the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association. You can learn more about the scholarships by visiting the Scholarship Portal of our website. Your pledge goes directly to our scholarship funds and cash reserve fund.
By donating, you are entitled to certain privileges, as highlighted below for the following 12 month period:
$10.00-49.99 - Maroon Alumni (Alumni level)
- Quarterly updates
- Voting rights on issues put to the membership, including Crooms AoIT Alumni Association Board Members
- Ability to run & serve for the Board of Directors in one of the two at-large seats
- Recognition on our website as Active Alumni (can remain anonymous)
$50.00-99.99 = Orange Alumni
- Incentives afforded to Active Alumni
- Recognition on our website as a Orange Croomie donor (can remain anonymous)
- Priority selection for Alumni Association speaking engagements and panels (Teach-in Day, TechFest, etc)
- Priority selection for Scholarship Review team
$100+ = Panther Donor
- Incentives afforded to Maroon Alumni, Orange Alumni, and
- Recognition on our website as a Panther Donor (can remain anonymous)
- Automatic seat on the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association, Inc. Board of Directors*
Lifetime Giving Levels:
- $250+ = Bronze (recognition on the website)
- $500+ = Silver (recognition on the website)
- $1000+ = Gold (recognition on the website, Board of Director* seat)
- $2500+ = Diamond (recognition on the website, Board of Director* seat, free alumni t-shirt)
Lobby = Crooms AoIT PowerPoints
*May be Honorary or active, your preference
When donating to the Crooms AOIT Alumni Association, you can choose between two different payment options: PayPal or Other/Pledge. If you choose Paypal, you will be paying directly through the respective payment gateway. By choosing Other/Pledge, you will be deferring payment until a later date (any time between now and the end of April). The above amounts are simply suggested donation levels, you can choose whatever amount pleases you. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail us at