Tech Innovation Scholarship Application Released for Seniors

The Crooms AoIT Alumni Association, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association Tech Innovation Scholarship. The scholarship recognizes a Crooms AoIT graduating senior with a $750 scholarship in recognition of their technical acumen to create or contribute to a technological project or product, which could include:

  • Open source software you’ve contributed to or created
  • Animated or 3D video
  • Live video project
  • Website you have designed or built
  • Video game you have designed or built
  • Video game mods, maps, or scenarios
  • Robotics project
  • Network schematics
  • Graphic design artwork
  • Infographic
  • Data visualization or dashboard
  • Hardware design project (Arduino, Raspberry Pie, etc.)
  • BPA, SECME, Art Club, Gamers Club, class, etc. technical project
  • Any other technological project or product (including senior class portfolio projects)

The deadline for applications is Thursday March 24, 2022 by 11:59pm. The scholarship recipient will be notified shortly thereafter. We look forward to answering any questions you might have and carefully reviewing all applications received. Remember, this scholarship is only open to graduating Crooms AoIT seniors, so your chances of receiving the scholarship are quite high! If you have any questions, please reach out to
Graduating seniors can find the application here:

About the Tech Innovation Scholarship: The 2022 iteration of the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association Tech Innovation Scholarship marks the return of the program after a hiatus last year. This year marks the 8th iteration the Tech Innovation Scholarship. The scholarship is one of two scholarship programs sponsored by the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association - the other being the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association Community Scholarship, which is now in its 16th year of continuous offering and is included as part of the Crooms AoIT Multi-Scholarship Application (an application that allows for Crooms AoIT students to apply for 14 different scholarship programs in one application).

Alumni Association awards Crooms AoIT Girls Basketball Team with $250 grant and announces partnership with Crooms AoIT Athletics

The Crooms AoIT Alumni Association, Inc. is proud to announce that it is providing a grant of $250 to Crooms Academy of Information Technology’s Girls Basketball Team. The grant will be used to fully pay for game refs at a home game as the Girls Basketball Team reconstitutes its team after a 4+ year hiatus. The money for this grant comes from a previously established Crooms AoIT Alumni Panther Walk athletics fund where alumni can purchase a brick with their name to be installed at our alma mater.

Separately, the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association has partnered with the Crooms AoIT Athletics Department to create a specialized donation page that now available on the menu bar of the Crooms AoIT athletics page.

If you would like to learn more about the donation, or would like to learn how you can support athletics at Crooms AoIT, please contact

Build your panther legacy with a brick in the Crooms AoIT Alumni Panther Walk

The Crooms AoIT Alumni Association, Inc. is pleased to announce the launch of the Crooms AoIT Alumni Panther Walk at Crooms Academy of Information Technology. Alumni, community partners, and supporters can show their panther pride and support Crooms AoIT athletics at the same time by purchasing a brick that will be installed in the area in front of the Joseph and Wealthy Crooms Memorial Wall.

The Alumni Association is targeting fifty (50) bricks in this first year, so supplies are limited - and prices will increase in future years. Be sure to reserve your spot by purchasing a brick today! Learn more and purchase your brick here.

In-Kind Alumni donation helps raise 2x in additional funds for Crooms AoIT athletics

Here's another fabulous example of how our alumni's continued support of the Alumni Association allows us to support our current Croomies!

The Crooms AoIT Alumni Association supported Crooms AoIT athletics by sponsoring insurance and the organization of volunteer fundraising efforts at a well known Central Florida sports venue in August 2021. Thanks to our alumni, the Alumni Association was able to offer in-kind sponsorship of $626.59 worth of insurance coverage for the fundraising event. This insurance coverage allowed for ~$1,800 in fundraising to be collected at the venue - a nearly 200% return on investment. The fundraising event would have not been possible without your support as third-party insurance is a pre-requisite for these fundraising effort.

Given the success of such a program, the Alumni Association is actively working with the School to explore other opportunities that can help leverage our alumni's generosity in more support for athletics. We look forward to announcing more successes like this in the future!

In Memoriam: Richard Chandler, Class of 2011

Our condolences to Richard Chandler's (Class of 2011) friends and family on his passing earlier this week. Richard is remembered fondly by Croomies - especially for his regular double-digit scoring in Crooms AoIT basketball games. Richard will be missed.


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