Tax Reform and Charitable Giving
The holiday season marks a time to gather with friends, family, and loved ones. It also presents a time to reflect on the year that has passed and plan for the upcoming new year. Planning for the upcoming year takes on an added importance this year due to the recently passed tax reform.
Here at the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association, this holiday season reminds us how grateful we are to our Crooms family that has supported us over the last 12 years. We know that charitable giving – may it be of your time, money, or social media support – is a decision made from the heart. But, we also understand that when it comes to monetary giving, tax policy can greatly influence when you choose to make your philanthropic decisions.
As you may be aware, tax reform has been passed by Congress and signed by the President. While the new tax code remains unpublished, we expect many donors traditionally used to itemizing their charitable deductions may not be eligible in 2018 due to the higher standard deduction. Accordingly, it may be to your advantage to make contributions for 2018 and future years prior to December 31, 2017, to guarantee tax-deductibility under current tax law.
While the final tax regulations are subject to change and you should consult with your own tax advisor, we would encourage you to consider supporting the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association prior to December 31. To further plan for future years, an anonymous donor will match all donations made by the end of the year by 25% (up to $1,000). To make a donation, all you have to do is visit If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail us at
We hope you will consider taking advantage of this opportunity and help us make a difference in our Crooms AoIT community. As always, thank you in advance for your generosity, and Happy Holidays!