Crooms AoIT Alumni Donation Drive Kickoff!
Hello fellow Croomies,
As the school year begins anew across Florida, so too does it for the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association. This year is not only marks Crooms AoIT's 10th school year as Seminole County's premier magnet school or the Alumni Association's 5th year of providing a scholarship, but also signifies the Alumni Association's first year of revamped operations. This year, we will be providing more opportunities to interact with fellow our alumni, increased awareness about what is going on at Crooms, and continued efforts to support current Croomies. These activities include alumni MeetUps, teach-in days, mentoring opportunities, Coomie updates through social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, RSS, and our website) and, of course the continuation of the Crooms AoIT Alumni Community Scholarship.
To support these efforts, especially the Crooms AoIT Alumni Community Scholarship, we have adopted a new tiered membership structure. You can learn more about the membership tiers at We also hope you will decide to become a member today and support our scholarship efforts as we attempt to offer the Community Scholarship for a 5th year. Membership in the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association not only supports our Community Scholarship, but also provides for the ability to become more involved in the Alumni Association, serve in a leadership capacity, and even receive discounts on events. Your support is vital for our ability to offer the scholarship, so we hope you will decide to take the step and support Crooms' continued efforts to promote education at all levels. To help kick off the new tiered membership structure, all donations made in September will receive a 25% matching donation by a private contributor. To donate and become a member, please visit
To oversee our efforts, the Alumni Association now has a Board of Directors to provide oversight and a Management Team to oversee our daily operations. You can learn more about our organizational improvements by visiting
If you have any questions, suggestions, comments, or criticisms as to how we can improve our operations, support Crooms AoIT, or be of assistance to our alumni please feel free to contact or any one of our Board or Management members. You can also friend us on Facebook ("Crooms Aoitalumni"), join our Facebook Group ("The Crooms AOIT Graduates"), follow us on Twitter (@Croomsalumni), or check out the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association's website.
Thank you for your continued support!