Crooms AoIT Alumni Association awards scholarships to two graduating seniors
The Crooms AoIT Alumni Association is proud to announce the winners of two scholarships being awarded by the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association to the Class of 2024.
The $1,200 Crooms AoIT Alumni Association Community Scholarship is being awarded to Aribelle B. The Community Scholarship is meant to honor a student not only for academic and extracurricular achievement, but also for dedication to community service. This year, through the multi-scholarship application process, we had 30 applicants, all with different strengths: high GPAs, involvement in school activities, and community involvement. But, Aribelle stuck out from this year's crowded pack of applicants for having all the above qualities while also being able to highlight how her experiences helped her grow as a person.
The Alumni Association is also proud to announce the return of the Tech Innovation Scholarship after a one year hiatus. The Tech Innovation Scholarship recognizes a graduating senior who has used their technical acumen to create or contribute to a technological project or product. We received a record TEN tech innovation project submissions this year. This student’s project stood out for its innovative use of web design, integration with Google's SSO, AI, and business savvy to create a stock research AI that could be commercialized. Parshva's project is impressive for a professional software engineer and that much more so for a high school student. His work highlights the true Tech Innovation that Crooms AoIT students can bring to their projects, organizations, and communities. The Crooms AoIT Alumni Association is pleased to present this year's $1,000 Tech Innovation Scholarship to Parshva P. Congrats to Parshva, and we cannot wait to see what you design next!
Congratulations, and best of luck to our scholarship winners, all of our applicants, and the Class of 2024 in your future endeavors. Go Panthers!