Join The Founders Society Today
The Crooms AoIT Alumni Association is pleased to unveil a new membership group for our alumni, friends, and supporters: The Founders Society. This Society is being established to recognize the Alumni Association's most generous benefactors. Every three years the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association's Management Team will scour the world in search of alumni who are looking to make significant contributions to Crooms AoIT, and who are willing to join The Founders Society.
For 2011-2012, the Alumni Association is looking to induct our inaugural class of members for The Founders Society. We are looking for 10 individuals to make at least $250 in donations over the fiscal year of July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012. These individuals will also serve as exemplars for responsible philanthropic support for Crooms AoIT and will be given special recognition. Society members are sending a message that philanthropic support of Crooms AoIT and the current student body is vital to our alma mater's future success.
You can find out more information about The Founders Society, and even join online, by visiting Alumni and supporters with questions should contact The Alumni Association also offers lower donor levels for those looking to make a smaller financial contribution; visit to learn more. All donations are greatly appreciated and will directly support Crooms AoIT.