Crooms AoIT Alumni Association is now an Incorporated Non-Profit
The Crooms AoIT Alumni Association is pleased to announce that our organization is officially a registered non-profit corporation in the State of Florida. As of the beginning of this year, the alumni association will conduct business as the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association, Inc. You can learn more about our corporate structure on our "About Us" page at It is important to note that no donation dollars went to the incorporation process, but rather our generous Board of Directors covered the cost out of their own pockets.
What does this change mean for you?
For the past four years, the Alumni Association has operated as an unincorporated association of like-minded individuals providing assistance to Crooms Academy of Information Technology. As the needs of our organization have grown, so too has the need for a formal organization. Incorporation provides us the legal framework to keep our organizing growing in the future, while providing us with the stability needed to allow for new leadership to become involved in our volunteer efforts. Below are just a couple of the benefits that will be seen as we move forward as a non-profit corporation:
1. Legal recognition as a corporate entity, as opposed to just a random group of people.
2. More financial stability and transparency in concurrence with IRS and state regulations. This also allows for the leadership of the organization to change hands much easier than in the past.
3. A revamped corporate structure that allows for more involvement for interested alumni.
4. Opportunities for young alumni to lead a legal business entity and experiment with ways to grow a non-profit organization.
5. Tax-exempt status. Currently, the Alumni Association is operating under exempted 501(c)3 status, as provided for under 508(c)3(B). This means that your donations to the alumni association may be tax deductible depending upon your circumstances (please check with your accountant or tax preparer). In the future, incorporation will provide us the ability to file for registered 501(c)3 status with the IRS.
As always, we appreciate your continued support as we move forward in our endeavors. If you would like more information on our incorporations efforts or would like to become involved please feel free to contact If you would like to show your financial support for the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association, Inc. community scholarship fund visit