December Drive to Success Program
We have a goal of raising $250 this month. Visit for more info.
With the arrival of December and the Holiday Season, there is no better time to reflect on the previous 12 months as a Crooms Community. Crooms AoIT saw its sixth graduating class, and our alma mater celebrated its third consecutive year of receiving a silver medal under the U.S. News and World Report rankings. We also saw success at the county level as well: social studies teacher Bradford Barsalou was named Seminole County's Teacher of the Year and Crooms students scored the highest in Seminole on FCAT Science. In July, the Crooms' Business Advisory Committee was recognized by STEMFlorida as the best organization in Florida for Business-Education Partnership. We have also pulled together as we remember the passing of Ms. Christy Reynolds just over a year ago, and as Reynolds' Right Hands raised awareness about the dangers of texting while driving.
Crooms AoIT's continued success is due, in no small part, to alumni and community involvement. During this "Season of Giving" we invite you to open up your hearts and join us as we kick off our December Drive to Success Program. For the past four years, the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association has provided one graduating senior with a $500 scholarship. The December Drive to Success is our plan to raise at least $250.00 worth of contributions towards the scholarship. While each of us may only be able to give $5 or $10, as a whole we can raise more than enough money to give back to Crooms AoIT and make a difference in someone's life. Your donation can be small or big, may it be $1 or $100.
To make a donation, all you have to do is visit This year's donation page has been revamped with new membership levels and incentives; so be sure to check out what the Alumni Association has in store for you! If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail us at
Also during the December Drive to Success, we will be holding the Crooms AoIT Alumni Basketball Challenge on December 21st. Alumni teams will take to the court to see who the best basketball players in Crooms history are. Attendance is free for all spectators; the BBQ pre-game social starts as 12:30PM in the cafeteria (meal tickets need to be pre-purchased by December 12th at The basketball games will start around 2:15PM in the gym. You can find the event on Facebook at: .
We hope you will join our December Drive to Success and help us make a difference in our Crooms AoIT community. Our $250.00 goal may seem high, but together we can reach it and contribute towards continued success at Crooms AoIT.
As always, thank you in advance for your generosity and Happy Holidays,
The Crooms AoIT Alumni Association