Announcing the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association Athletics Grant Winner
Dear Crooms AoIT Athletics Family,
Thank you for your efforts to support the athletics program at Crooms AoIT. As graduates, we understand how important extracurricular activities – especially team sports – are to the personal development of Croomies. Without your tireless dedication and attention, the opportunities provided through these programs would not be possible.
As a testament to your dedication to the athletics program at Crooms AoIT, we received a record number of grant applications this year. Requests for support came in from past grant recipients and new applicants alike. We even received an application from a new sports program at Crooms AoIT: the baseball program. While the Alumni Association would love to provide a grant to all of this year’s applicants, we had to make some tough calls and narrow down our selection to the winning recipient(s).
This year, the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association, Inc. has decided to award a grant in the amount of $500.00 to the boys volleyball program. This grant will be used to pay for a new net system that will benefit not only the boys and girls volleyball program, but also the broader physical education program at Crooms AoIT. The current net system dates back to the start of the school – making it at least 15 years old (if not older, as it was previously in service in South Florida prior to making the journey to Sanford). In the coming weeks our team will work with the Crooms AoIT support staff to pay out the grant money for use by the program.
Again, we would like to thank all of you for your continued efforts and support. Because of you, past, current, and future Croomies have a more fulfilling and well-rounded experience during their high school years.
Best of luck in the spring sports season this year, and Go Panthers!
On behalf of the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association,
Frank C. Bracco, Class of 2006
Honorary Director
Crooms AoIT Alumni Association, Inc.