The Passing of Croomies Corey Allicock, ’05 and Guidance Counselor Arvis Harmon
Dear Crooms AoIT Community,
It with great regret we acknowledge the passing to two great Croomies this past weekend.
Class of 2005 member Corey Allicock was a passenger in an Uber vehicle that collided with a Seminole Sheriff’s SUV this weekend. It is unclear who caused the collision, but Corey passed way from injuries sustained in the crash. Members of the Alumni Association have fond memories of Corey from his Crooms AoIT days. His energy, kindness, and overall carefree, goofy demeanor are what come to mind for many of us. Several members remember routinely waiting for the activity bus with Corey as he blasted music, did an air guitar routine, and jumped all around to entertain other Croomies. He will be remembered as a great guy who was kind, made everyone feel welcome, and could make people laugh with his good-spirited goofball antics.
Croomies interested in expressing their condolences can visit the DeGuispe funeral announcement for more information:!/Obituary. Several of Corey’s classmates have also created a Facebook remembrance page where you can share your thoughts of Corey:
Also this weekend, current faculty member and guidance counselor Arvis Harmon passed away this weekend. Mrs. Harmon joined the Crooms AoIT Community in 2012 and has been helping Croomies during their educational career since. There is no additional information available at this time.
Please keep Corey, Mrs. Harmon, and their families and friends in your thoughts during this holiday season.
Sincerely Yours,
Crooms AoIT Alumni Association, Inc. Board of Directors