Crooms AoIT Needs a Few Good...MENTORS!
Crooms AoIT is looking for some mentors for the 2010-2011 school year. Did you have a mentor? Wish you had someone older to help you out while in high school? Want to give back to a student making their way into the world? Now is your chance to get involved and make a difference in someone's life – and, perhaps, in yours as well!
The Crooms AoIT Mentor program requires a year commitment and a two hour training session. Beyond that, the meeting times are up to you and your student. You meet at your convenience to provide guidance, career exploration, academic assistance, and personal development. This is your opportunity to meet one-on-one with someone, talk about real issues, and make a real difference. Plus, being a mentor is a life enriching experience, enjoyable, and, even fun!
If you are interested in getting more information or getting involved in the mentoring program please call Cathy Alper at 407-320-5749 or email