Taking Nominations for Alumni Association Positions
Calling all Croomies, Calling all Croomies! As has been announced previously (see http://www.croomsalumni.com/node/272), the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association will be setting up an organizational structure to better manage our operations in the coming years. As such, we are looking for volunteers to fill the positions on both our Management Team and our Board of Directors. You do not need to reside in Central Florida for any of these positions, although it might be beneficial. If you are interested in serving, please read on and submit your name to scholarship@croomsalumni.com by the end of Tuesday, July 13th.
The Board of Directors will serve as an advisory board for the Alumni Association and shall lay out our strategic goals. The Board will be composed our key management team members, large donors, and two at-large members elected by the membership. The two at-large positions are currently open. As a Director, you would be responsible for attending (by phone or web conference) board meetings held every two months and thinking in a strategic fashion as to what is best for the Alumni Association, and the alumni as a whole. Your term would be one year.
Management team positions (one year terms) are as follows:
President shall preside at all regular (held annually) and special meetings of the membership and of the Board of Directors, exercise general supervision over the officers and general operations under the direction of the Board.
The Vice President shall assist the President in various capacity, as needed.
Secretary/Treasury shall be responsible for maintaining the records of the corporation and shall be responsible for receipts and disbursements of the corporation. The Secretary/Treasurer will prepare and present an annual budget and submit brief monthly reports to the board.
Solicitation/Membership Coordinator shall be responsible for coordinating membership drives. The coordinator shall also oversee efforts to solicit funds from outside sources. The coordinator will also serve as a liaison with the active membership on various matters concerning matters associated with active membership status.
Events Coordinator shall oversee all membership events. Ideally, we are looking for someone who can coordinate regularly occurring meet-ups among the alumni (although the frequency of such has not been determined) and is willing to help with the set up of at least one large scale event each year.You would also be responsible for the college teach-in days (in conjunction with the President and Vice President) The coordinator could also set up a committee to help with the work if it is found necessary.
Marketing Coordinator shall be responsible for managing the association's online presence, and otherwise marketing the organization to the membership and concerned parties. This is includes, but is not limited to, social media, the website, and e-mail listservs. Ideally, we are looking for someone that can put out a reoccurring electronic newsletter in order to begin to build up a feeling of connectivity among alumni.