Crooms AoIT Students Dominate in FCAT and End of Course Exam Results
The Florida Department of Education has released some FCAT and End of Course examation results. Crooms AoIT students have once again flexed their academic muscles by outperforming their peers in Seminole County Public Schools. Check out some of the highlights below:
- Highest 10th grade mean reading score
- Second highest 9th grade mean reading score
- Highest Spring 2013 Biology 1 EOC exam mean score
- Highest percentage of students to achieve a 3 or above on the Spring 2013 Biology 1 EOC exam (higher than the next closest by 10 percentile points)
- Highest Spring 2013 Geometry EOC exam mean score
- Highest percentage of students to achieve a 3 or above on the Spring 2013 Geometry EOC exam (higher than the next closest by 7 percentile points)
- Second highest Winter 2012 Algebra I EOC exam mean score
- Second highest percentage of students to achieve a 3 or above on the Winter 2012 Algebra I EOC exam
- Second highest Spring 2013 Algebra I EOC mean score
- Highest percentage of students to achieve a 3 or above on the Spring 2013 Algebra I EOC exam
- Highest Spring 2013 US History EOC exam mean score
- Highest percentage of students to achieve a 3 or above on the Spring 2013 US History EOC exam
- Highest FCAT writing test mean score
- Largest percentage of students passing with a 3 or above, 3.5 or above, and 4 or above on the FCAT writing test
Crooms AoIT's only competition in Seminole County proved to be Hagerty High School. The two schools largely traded places between who placed number one versus number two in the various rankings. Overall, Crooms AoIT students appear to have topped the rankings more than any SCPS school. Crooms AoIT performed particularly well when it came to preparing minorities and economically disadvantaged students for the workforce and advanced studies. The school has the most diverse high school student population of the traditional public schools in Seminole County. With 49% minority enrollment and 45% economically disadvantaged enrollment, Crooms AoIT and its students have continually matched and outperformed their peers across the state in similar or better economic circumstances. Congratulations are in order for the Crooms AoIT students, faculty, and community.