SCPS Information Services Extraordinaire Mark Fraser Passes Away (1963-2013)
To Our Crooms Family,
It is with a heavy heart that I report that Mark Fraser passed away this past Friday, January 25th, at his home in Winter Springs, Florida after his battle with cancer. Mr. Fraser was a member of the Seminole County Public Schools Information Services staff for over 12 years. As some Croomies might remember, Mark Fraser was a manager at the Seminole County Public Schools I.S. Annex and mentored groups of Croomies each summer during their internships. Over the last couple of years, Mr. Fraser had moved to the SCPS district office to serve as the Information Services Customer Manager. In his capacity at the district, he had the opportunity to speak to Crooms AoIT students during tours and job shadowing sessions. Some of our alumni even worked with him at the district office.
On a personal note, several of our older alumni from the classes of 2005, 2007, and 2008 interned with Mark as one of our direct supervisors at the SCPS Annex. I personally spent two summers working under him. Mr. Fraser was a gentleman and mentor to all of us, and he will surely be missed. You may read his obituary online at
A Memorial Service is planned for Thursday, January 31st, at 4:00 PM at St. Luke's in Oviedo. Thursday would have also been Mark's 50th birthday. Please dress casual (no suits and/or ties; please no flip-flops until after the service). A Jimmy Buffet themed reception is planning afterwards in the gym. Mark asked that in lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Mark's name to a trust account for Mark and Nancy's children at Suntrust, St. Luke's Lutheran Church of Oviedo, The American Cancer Society, or Vitas Hospice of Orlando.
With care and concern,
Frank C. Bracco
Class of 2006