The Reynolds' Right Hands Program needs our help
Students at Crooms are taking on the challenge of outlawing cell phone use while driving. As a response to the tragic loss of our beloved teacher, Christy Reynolds, in the fall, students have woken up to the dangers of distracted driving. Car accidents are the #1 cause of teen death in the US, with distracted driving a factor in 80% of these crashes.
The Reynolds' Right Hands is a group of Crooms students causing change in the community and also competing in a national competition for action against distracted driving, called Act Out Loud, sponsored by the National Organization for Youth Safety and Allstate. Our team includes Caroline S., Tyler K., Rosemarie S., Jamie U., and Kat H. Our action plan includes:
- A proclamation against distracted driving, recently accepted by
Seminole County Public Schools' School Board. - A "Letters to the Legislators" Campaign, where they mailed over 150 letters and will continue soliciting letters
- A public service announcement (1.5 minute video) created and posted on our Facebook page. This will show on SGTV and at all SCPS high schools in May
- A Distracted Driving Awareness Event at Crooms in May
- Support for all SCPS high schools to develop awareness projects in May
- Affect change in the law and in public perception about distracted driving
- A "Get the vote out" campaign for the Act Outloud Contest
Croomies and friends, we need your help to win in the Act Out Loud
contest. All you have to do is become a fan of us on Facebook and keep updated with what we post on our fanpage. You can find our page just by using this link or by searching Reynolds' Right Hands in Facebook.
Also, from May 10-21st, you can vote for our group everyday on the Act Out Loud website at Please spread the word and let all of your friends and family know what it is we're up to! Together, we can save lives!
Thank you for your support of our students and this worthy cause. Please forward this message on to ALL your friends and families to get the word out.