December Drive to Success - All Donations Matched 50 Cents on the Dollar!
We have a goal of raising $300 during December; all donations will be matched 50 cents on the dollar, up to $500 in cumulative giving. Visit to give today!
With the arrival of December and the Holiday Season, there is no better time to reflect on the previous 12 months as a Crooms Community. Crooms AoIT saw its eighth graduating class. Our alma mater also celebrated its second consecutive year of being a National Academy Foundation Distinguished Academy and its fourth year of receiving a Silver Medal in US News and World Report's ranking of the Best High Schools in America. We also saw success at the county level in FCAT: in Crooms ranked #1 in 9th grade Reading, most improved in 9th grade Reading, #3 in 10th grade Reading, #1 in Algebra I End-of-Course Exams for all high schoolers, #3 in Geometry End-of-Course Exams for all high schoolers, and #1 in Biology End-of-Course Exams for 9th graders. And, at the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association, we were formally received 501(c)3 recognition from the IRS, raised over $2,800 through The Founders Society capital fundraiser, and donated $250 to the Crooms AoIT Athletics Department.
Crooms AoIT's continued success is due to alumni and community involvement. During this "Season of Giving" we invite you to open up your hearts and join us as we kick off our December Drive to Success Program. For the past six years, the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association has provided one graduating senior with a scholarship – and, last year it was increased to $600. The December Drive to Success is our plan to raise at least $300 worth of contributions towards the scholarship. While each of us may only be able to give $5 or $10, as a whole we can raise more than enough money to give back to Crooms AoIT and make a difference in someone's life.
To make a donation, all you have to do is visit If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail us at
Also during the December Drive to Success, we will be holding Meet-Up #5 @ Hollerbach's Willow Tree Café on Saturday, December 15th from 1-3PM. RSVP on Facebook at:
We hope you will join our December Drive to Success and help us make a difference in our Crooms AoIT community. As always, thank you in advance for your generosity, and Happy Holidays!