New Fiscal Year Means New Leadership at the Alumni Association
The start of the new fiscal year last Sunday also ushered in a new leadership team for the Crooms AoIT Alumni Association, Inc. How does it work?
Each year at the Annual Meeting, the membership of the Alumni Association has the opportunity to vote for the two at-large Board of Director positions. The Board focuses on broad, overarching themes and strategic visioning for our alumni community. And, each even-numbered year (which, 2012 happens to be) the Board of Directors gets to appoint a new Management Team to oversee the operations of the Alumni Association.
Who is taking over, you ask? The membership of the Alumni Association voted to re-appointment Christopher Lopez and Gaelan Adams (both Class of 2007) to serve as at-large directors. And, the Board of Directors has appointed James "Brock" Mangus, Class of 2007, to serve as President after a two year stint by John Amirrezvani, Class of 2006. The Board also appointed Matthew Carli, Class of 2005, to serve as Vice President, a position that was previously vacant. And, finally, the Board re-appointed Frank C. Bracco, Class of 2006, to serve as Secretary/Treasurer and Mallory Bose, Class of 2007, to serve as Events Coordinator.