You're Invited to Run for the Board or Apply to Serve on the Management Team!
Calling all Croomies, Calling all Croomies! The Crooms AoIT Alumni Association, Inc. is looking for volunteers to fill the positions on both our Management Team and our Board of Directors. You do not need to reside in Central Florida for any of these positions, although it might be beneficial. If you are interested in serving, please read on and submit your name to by the end of Thursday, May 31st.
Interested in Serving on the Board of Directors?
The two at-large Board of Directors positions are up for election for the 2012-2013 year. These Directors are selected by the active members of the association. If you are a dues-paying member (donor) interested in running for office, please e-mail by May 31st. You can become a due-paying member by visiting the membership page.
The Alumni Association's Board of Directors is an advisory body that oversees the organization's operations and helps set strategic goals for the Association. Directors serve for one-year terms and meet via a conference call every one to two months.
Interested in Serving on the Management Team?
The Management Team oversees the day-to-day operations of the organization. The team is appointed by our Board of Directors and serves for two years. The positions are as follows:
President - Preside at all regular (held annually) and special meetings of the membership and of the Board of Directors (held once every one to two months), exercise general supervision over the Management Team and general operations under the direction of the Board.
Vice President - Assist the President in various capacities, as needed.
Secretary/Treasury - Responsible for maintaining the records of the corporation and for receipts and disbursements of the corporation.
Solicitation/Membership Coordinator - Responsible for coordinating membership drives and soliciting outside contributions. The coordinator will also serve as a liaison with the active membership on various matters concerning matters associated with active membership status.
Events Coordinator - Oversees all membership events. Ideally, we are looking for someone who can coordinate regularly occurring meet-ups among the alumni and is willing to help with the set up of at least one large scale event each year. The Coordinator would also be responsible for the college teach-in days.
Marketing Coordinator - Responsible for managing the association's online presence, and otherwise marketing the organization to the membership and concerned parties. This is includes, but is not limited to, social media, the website, the newsletter, and e-mail listservs.
For more info, e-mail